Making a Difference
First Tee is reliant upon charitable contributions to carry out our mission and is grateful to receive widespread support from those in the golf industry and beyond. A fundamental strength of the First Tee is the direct support it receives from some of the game’s most respected and influential organizations. Their leadership has inspired others to embrace the mission of the First Tee.

Special Thanks to:
Sanford Foundation
Gavin Van Zee Golf Tournament
Brass Family Foundation
Doug & Charity Muth
Jeff Malone
Al Schoeneman
Craig McTighe
Family Dakota Allergy & Asthma
Dave Austad
Jackie & Scott Witlock
Kray Family
Larry Braun
Jordan Hilbert
Duane & Barb Harms
Jim & Jane Harrenga
Dean Zahn
Helen Boen
Professional Women’s Golf Outing
Dakota Vision Center
Dan Kirby
Don & Ann Platt
Julie & Ryan Jansa
Kristy Griffin & Family
Tommy Reynolds
Dan Hansen
Chris Thornton
Charles Schwab Grant
PGA Tour Foundation
Austad Foundation
Jay & Jane Huizenga
Scott Sletten
Christie Aberson
Dana Dykhouse
Great Life Foundation | Tom Walsh
Kate Patrick
Miles & Lisa Beacom
Sova Foundation
Mitch Miller
Greg Heiberger